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Accelerator programs for early-stage founders

World-class science and technology businesses often spin out of world-class academic research.

Their academic founders are true innovators.

But building a company is hard work.

At NG Studios we understand the value of innovation ecosystems to academics.

We think of ourselves as caring hands putting expertise, support and a network to the service of founders. We mentor, open doors and minds, and lean in where there are gaps, to help founders shape their business ideas into investable business opportunities which can attract the right investors along with the right capital support.

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NG Studios event photo - large group of people talking

We offer a unique accelerator program for early-stage founders in the Northern Triangle universities (Leeds, Manchester and Sheffield). These bespoke programs are delivered with best-of-breed industry specialists who are experienced in working with universities.

That’s the path to success.

Our programs

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Technology accelerator program

NG Studios provides a world-class support system for founders working in technology through a ten-week unique program. Delivered with Deeptech Labs, the program helps set strategic direction, develop operational alignment and prepare for capital-raising. The program involves 1-2-1 mentoring and opportunities to network with industry experts.

  • Week 1 — Kick-off

    Week 2 — Scale and Ambition

    Week 3 — Metrics and Milestones for Seed

    Week 4 — Customer Discovery and Business Development

    Week 5 — Product Management

    Week 6 — Scaling Your Team

    Week 7 — Establishing your IP Strategy

    Week 8 — Considerations in Raising VC

    Week 9 — Redefining The Narrative

    Week 10 — Pitch Refinement and Demo Day

  • Deeptech Labs is an accelerator founded with the University of Cambridge, Arm, Cambridge Innovation Capital, Martlet and Ewan Kirk. Deeptech Labs helps companies commercialise new technologies and makes seed investments alongside the accelerator.

    For further information visit

NG Studios and Deeptech Labs event